Trauma & EMDR Therapy

Heal from trauma, rediscover your voice, and learn to use it confidently.

EMDR Therapy

Counseling for PTSD

Experience Less Trauma Symptoms

“Trauma is not something that is wrong with you, it is something that happened to you in the absence of an empathic witness.”

What Is Trauma Therapy?

The Deep Work of Unlocking Stored Trauma

We help you unlock the hold trauma has on your life, paving the way for healing and wholeness.

Supportive & Safe

We offer a safe space where you can freely share your struggles and receive support throughout the process of healing from trauma.

Relief From Trauma Symptoms

We provide therapy for PTSD, for traumas both big and small, for adverse life events, and for single incident or complicated trauma histories that originate earlier in life.

Common Symptoms of Trauma & PTSD

  • Unwanted, distressing memories
  • Flashbacks
  • Upsetting dreams or nightmares
  • Severe emotional distress or physical reactions
  • Avoidance
  • Negative thoughts about yourself
  • Memory problems
  • Feeling detached from family & friends
  • Feeling emotionally numb
  • Being easily startled or frightened
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Angry outbursts or aggressive behavior

We Offer EMDR Therapy For Women Who Have Experienced Trauma

What Is EMDR Therapy?

Overcome the Effects of Trauma

We specialize in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), a powerful therapy proven to help individuals overcome the effects of trauma, anxiety, and PTSD. 

Resolve Triggers

EMDR can help resolve triggers that shut you down or cause high activation causing problems in your life, work, and relationships.

The Deep Work of Unlocking Stored Trauma

EMDR is supporting a healthier more adaptive way of life for you and releases trauma stored in your body.

EMDR Therapy Helps

  • Panic Attacks
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Complicated Grief
  • Depression
  • Adoption
  • Performance Anxiety
  • Social Anxiety
  • Stress Reduction
  • Childhood Wounds

Trauma & EMDR Therapy FAQs

What can I expect in a Trauma Therapy session?

You can expect a trauma- trained clinician to first assess how trauma is impacting your life. Your therapist will provide education on PTSD and help you identify the primary sources of your trauma. From there an individualized plan is created and shared with you on the best pathway for treatment. 

What if I feel like I’ve already dealt with my trauma?

If you are still dealing with symptoms, then maybe trauma has not been healed at the root. It is normal to go through phases of healing our traumas. At times we may be free of symptoms, but recurring triggers are a sign that more intensive healing is needed. We are here to help you assess next steps.

What type of treatments do you use?

Our primary tool for healing trauma is EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. EMDR has many facets and tools that make it adaptable to your specific needs and sources of trauma. 

Additionally, our clinicians are trained in a variety of other trauma-informed tools to meet you right where you are. 

What is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is an extensively researched treatment approach that has been proven effective for the treatment of trauma, anxiety, and depression. However, despite the name, it is not just about eye movements. It is about how our past experiences affect us today and how they will carry us into the future. It is, simply put, about healing what is stuck and holding you back. We care about women’s mental health and this is why we offer this gold-standard treatment for PTSD, Anxiety, and Chronic Stress.

Research shows that 84-90% of traumatized patients recover from PTSD after receiving EMDR treatment. The type of trauma you have will determine your specific treatment plan. 

Why should I choose EMDR?

Choose EMDR if you have signs or symptoms of PTSD. It could stem from childhood wounds to some type of single incident that is haunting you. 

How does EMDR work?

EMDR therapy has 8 phases of treatment. Learn more here:

EMDR therapy uses eye movements or some other form of bilateral stimulation.  EMDR supports the brain in what it already does well, adaptively processing things. Sometimes, trauma isn’t adaptively integrated and becomes trapped within us and feels supercharged with emotions and physical body sensations. EMDR helps the brain reprocess the trapped memories in such a way that normal information processing is resumed.  EMDR is useful to help clients uncover and process beliefs that developed as the result of acute trauma, relational trauma, childhood abuse and/or neglect, and adverse life experiences.  For a more detailed explanation please visit the EMDR Institute here:

What happens After an EMDR Session?

Clients report feeling a range of things after therapy. Some feel light and unburdened or “floaty.” It is not uncommon to notice physical sensations, to feel like taking a nap, or to feel more tired than usual. You may feel a range of emotions. This is normal. You may notice dreams about what has been processed in session. This is normal too and you will want to share this with your therapist next session. EMDR is supporting a healthier more adaptive way of life for you and releases trauma stored in your body so changes after processing are expected. It will be important for you to take good care of yourself after EMDR sessions as these are short-term symptoms that will resolve giving you a more free and unhindered life in the long term. In the meantime, we hold space here for you to work through these things.

Do you offer EMDR Intensives?

Yes. Intensives are customized to meet your unique needs and goals and they can be consecutive full or half days based on your needs & goals.

How much does an intensive cost?

It varies based on the length. Your therapist will share the fees with you in your free consultation.

Where can I stay?

We have many beautiful hotels right on the beach that are easy access to our office. You can travel here and enjoy beautiful ocean views, walks on the beach and great food while you receive treatment. We are happy to make suggestions!

What happens in an intensive?

A collaborative specialized plan is created for you based on your interview and unique trauma history. Then the work is implemented all throughout the scheduled time.

What happens after an intensive?

You return home and we provide a free follow-up session for you to use anytime within the first six-months of your intensive.

This sounds like exhausting work.

Actually clients are more energized as the move along throughout the intensive. While they may feel tired, it isn’t emotional exhaustion. Intensives are actually a great way to accelerate healing from trauma!

Why should I consider an intensive?

This is a time set aside for you to clearly identify the trauma from your past that is disrupting your life, reprocess it in a healthier way that heals your mind and body from trauma’s negative effects.

Getting Started With Therapy Is Simple

Fill Out The New Appointment Form

Fill out the new appointment form to get started!

Schedule a Consultation

Have a 15-min conversation to see if we’re a good fit.

Schedule First Appointment

We’ll start counseling so you can experience the joy of healing and growth.

Why Clients Choose Seven Oaks Therapy

I was at the lowest point in my life, and Rachel helped me.

“I remember Rachel saying,  “I can guide you, yet you have to do the work!” She cares about her clients, and never will give up on you! Even today, I still use the tools that she taught me years later!! She gave me my life back!!!”

– M.F., Past Client


Nearly a decade ago, I found myself in a crisis.

“Rachel was the beacon of light God used to direct me in the way to go. Rachel guided me through the process of rebuilding myself through sound Biblical counseling. Her guidance through those deep waters will never be forgotten and the fruits of her counsel are evident now as I have a healthy, thriving life.”

– T.H., Past Client

Our Mission

The Seven Oaks mission is to help women and teen girls heal from trauma, anxiety, and chronic stress using evidence-based therapy and treatments to improve mental, emotional, and relational health.